#65. Mariana Becomes a Mermaiden – Part 2

Fin Fun Presents a Mermaid Story by Royal Mermaiden Crystal

“Who’s ready to party?!” Brynn shouted. At this point, the bystanders were scattering, eager to change for the costumed event. My sisters and I retreated to our changing room where a coral rack of glistening tail skins shone like glowing jellyfish.

Each dress-up skin featured a handwritten tag with one of our names on it. Ceremoniously, each Mermaiden approached the rack to find her attire for the evening. Jia’s tail skin featured the bold design of a purple monarch butterfly. I’ve never seen a flying creature like this, but Waverlee has told me about them. Brynn dashed to find her skin for the night and discovered her name was attached to an otherworldly tail of aquamarine, lavender, and lime scales with a bright green fluke that matched her eyes.

Waverlee’s tail was a beautiful variation of her own bubbly pink scales, and featured light and dark blue scales that melted into bold fuchsia. Zoey’s costume looked similar to Waverlee’s, but was sunshine yellow and blue with a touch of green. Destiny’s mimicked one of my favorite fish in the sea – a mandarin goby with blue swirls and a kaleidoscope of yellow, fiery orange, and green. Serena’s skin was a brighter version of her own rainbow tail, with scales reminiscent of violet, blue, and yellow coral.

There were two tail skins left on the rack. I knew immediately which one was mine. The skin featured blue sapphire scales like my own, except this tail had a stunning emerald pattern that featured teardrop shaped bits that reminded me of big, blue eyes like my own. Waverlee sensed my puzzlement as I looked over the tail. “Those are peacock feathers, Crystal. A peacock is a bird covered in these soft, fluffy things. Aashna, my merfriend from India has a special necklace made from them.”

Mariana picked up her costume and her eyes welled with tears. The tail skin had bursts of bright teal and turquoise exploding through a sea of crimson scales. Similar to a betta fighting fish, this costume represented her past, her future, and her tenacious personality. What a perfect way to honor her triumphs and celebrate her first evening as a Mermaiden.

Each of us slipped the shiny, shimmering tail skins over our mermaid fins and headed to the party. There were banquet tables of the finest seaweed and underwater delicacies the sea has to offer. Music from the conch shell band inspired mermaids of all ages to sway the night away.

After hours of dancing, I found an oversized shell to rest my fin as I watched Amani take Mariana’s hand for the last dance of the night. The scene was satisfying and peaceful, until a sudden commotion entered roke out near the pearly doors of the room.

“Don’t arrest me! I’ve escaped the wrath of Calisto and I’m here to help you find her!”

I jumped up to find my sisters. As I scanned the room, each Mermaiden’s face asked the same question.

King Malik is alive?

blue mermaid


Want tail skins to match the Mermaiden’s party tails?!

Check out Fin Fun’s Limited Edition mermaid tails!

Meet Mermaiden Crystal

Crystal lives in a beautiful iceberg castle in the Arctic Ocean. There she and her best FinFriend, a penguin named Pepper who thinks he should be able to fly, use her royal Mermaiden power to create amazing sculptures out of ice.

Meet Crystal >>

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  1. Jun 1, 2021 at 8:44 am
    lily says:

    hi I,m new well I loving the stories and games

  2. Feb 15, 2021 at 2:36 pm
    Anonymous says:

    what is up?

  3. Feb 15, 2021 at 2:34 pm
    Anonymous says:

    I don’t but I really was given the power of ice! I made an ice palace in our backyard

  4. Aug 18, 2019 at 9:30 am
    Mergirl says:

    I have Mariana’s real tail

    1. May 20, 2020 at 6:35 pm
      Mermaid Andameenka says:

      Cool, I don’t have any of the party tails but I do have the blue tang mermaid tail.