Mermaid Mania 2015

Enter to Win Mermaid Tails & Fin Fun Swag!

mermaid mania

Activities begin August 3rd through the 9th.

Early Registration is now open.

Click here to register!

mermaid mania 2015

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  1. Aug 3, 2015 at 9:54 pm
    Mermaid Kailey says:

    Hi fin fun my name is Kailey and this is my story!

    When I was nine years old my mom finally ordered my first mermaid tail in passion pink. Monofins weren’t even out. Every day after we ordered my mermaid tail I would always be awaiting. I would always say to myself in school maybe it will come today! Maybe it will come today! Finally a week after in June 2013 it finally arrived! I can home with the same idea has it come yet! Then when I went to put my school bag down I say on my chair a package. My face immediately blew up in excitement I screamed my mermaid tail came!!!!! I was a screaming in my head finally I have a mermaid tail I always wanted to be a mermaid every since I heard of mermaids when I was little!!!! I tore open the package smiling my head off!!!!! It was beautiful sparkling pink in the sun light. I bolted to my room to put it on. I smiled in awe as my mermaid tail glittered I was finally a mermaid!! ??????.
    I called in my mom to see me in my first mermaid tail. I screamed to my mom I’M FINALLY A REAL MERMAID!!!!!!!! Then I went to go to my tub right away. I flicked my tail back and forth as in shimmerd in the water my mermaid transformation was finally complete!!!! I swam for hours in my bath tub. When I got out I said to myself I’m finally a real mermaid!!!!

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 11:08 pm
      Alisa says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

      1. Aug 4, 2015 at 6:59 am
        Mermaid Kailey says:

        Thank you I thought we had to post it here I got it there

  2. Aug 3, 2015 at 9:37 pm
    Natalia says:

    i became a mermaid when i was at the beach. I was swimming and then I thought it would be so much fun to be a mermaid. Then I got a mermaid tail. I felt excited and i was so happy. I swim a lot now and swimming with a mermaid tail became something i do all the time

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 11:07 pm
      Alisa says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  3. Aug 3, 2015 at 8:38 pm
    Ash says:

    Who won the activity today?

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 8:39 pm
      Ash says:

      For the mermaid mainia

    2. Aug 3, 2015 at 9:21 pm
      Alisa says:

      Stay posted for winners! 🙂

  4. Aug 3, 2015 at 8:28 pm
    brookelynn says:

    I decided to be a fin fun mermaid because i always loved mermaids since i was little.I would watch people on YouTube i would go and see all the pretty tails . I always want to be just like them.I decided to go online and try to find mermaid tails then i saw the fin-fun mermaid tails and thought they were so pretty i had to have one.One day my parents said i could and we went online and got a mermaid tail.I was so excited i told everyone i knew.When i got my tail it felt weird at first,but it was okay after.It was so cool i swam almost every day and whenever i could.I love how it made me felt like i was a real mermaid and made me look like one too and now i can make all my friends feel like i did.

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 9:20 pm
      Alisa says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

    2. Aug 4, 2015 at 1:11 pm
      brookelynn says:

      help i can’t find the code for todays activity

    3. Aug 4, 2015 at 1:12 pm
      brookelynn says:

      help i can’t find the code for todays activity help i need to know i had trouble with yesterdays too

      1. Aug 4, 2015 at 2:53 pm
        Fin Fun says:

        The code for the whole week is: mm15

  5. Aug 3, 2015 at 4:52 pm
    Ava says:

    My entry has not been showing up in the gallery for Mertale Monday and I am worried that it was not received. Is there a way I can verify my entrance?

  6. Aug 3, 2015 at 4:21 pm
    Kelly says:

    I decided to become a fin-fun mermaid because it has always been a dream of mine to be a mermaid. I remember watching mermaid movies growing up, for example, “The Little Mermaid,” “Splash,” along with various other mermaid movies and dreaming about being a mermaid. Fin-fun gave me the chance to fulfill my dreams of becoming a real life mermaid. When I received my mermaid tail in the mail, I was so exited! I couldn’t believe that I was about to become a real mermaid! I immediately got in the pool after receiving my tail because I just couldn’t wait to swim with it. When I first put it on, it felt weird, but I couldn’t stop smiling because of how it made me look. It took me a short amount of time to learn how to swim with it, because it seemed to make swimming easier for me. I swim with my mermaid tail on mostly every day. I love how the tail transforms me into such a majestic, beautiful mermaid and brings my dreams to life.

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 5:33 pm
      FinFriend says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  7. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:45 pm
    lesley says:

    how can i write and get to your blog

  8. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:09 pm
    Madalynne says:

    Ever since I was little, I always thought of myself as a mermaid. Every time I went swimming, I would only swim as a mermaid. As I got older, my love of mermaids still grew. I searched and searched for a mermaid tail. I thought of making my own but I didn’t have the tools or the know how. Then I stumbled upon fin fun. I was so excited that I rushed to my mom and showed her. My eyes were full of joy and I could feel my little kid side coming back. I decided to get one and I checked the mail every day. I just couldn’t hold back my excitement. Finally, when I got home from band camp, there was a package at my door. It was my tail! I’ve had my tail for almost a year now and I’m still in love. I was always a mermaid at heart, but now I can physically be a mermaid. My senior year I plan to go to Hawaii with my best friend and we’re not going to have our tails as we swim in the sea. I actually want to invent a tail material that can keep you warm if you are in cold water or one that uses real looking and feeling scales so you can truly feel like a fish. Also, I want to make a type of contact that can act as goggles so you can have more of the mermaid look. So my mermaid transformation isn’t truly done yet. But hopefully I will be successful in my inventions and make it so everyone who has a dream of being a mermaid can have access to it.

  9. Aug 3, 2015 at 11:40 am
    Ellie says:

    I am a mermaid, because I love the water. Being a mermaid, to me, makes me happy. Being in the water is like you have found your home. When I first received my beautiful FinFun mermaid tail as a surprise, it was like I had found a missing puzzle piece. My first swim in it was so amazing!! I just glided through the water, as if I had been doing it for years!! Mermaiding boosts confidence, as well as happiness, and I can’t thank FinFun enough for giving me those qualities. FinFun is absolutely right. Every girl deserves to dream. And for that, I thank them, for letting me dream. 🙂 thanks!!

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:43 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  10. Aug 3, 2015 at 11:27 am
    Brianna says:

    How come I can’t see or do today’s activity

  11. Aug 3, 2015 at 10:53 am
    Mermaid Maya says:

    Mermaid Mania

    My mermaid Story started like this:

    When I was little (I lived in New York at the time) The TV show aired “H2O Just add water” I LOVED that show and still do today. Anyway, Me and my friends would fight over who was more like Cleo, Emma, Riki and Bella. We would play mermaids for HOURS. we would play mermaids at summer camp, my friends pool, the community pool and at the beach. I wished i could be a mermaid so bad. But every thing changed when I visited my cousins in California.
    When I went to California my cousin Avalon bought a mermaid tail from a website (not FinFun) I loved her tail I BEGGED my mom and dad for one but they said no and i was devastated.
    Fast Forward a few years, My parents got divorced and my mom and i moves to California in 2012. In October 2014 found FinFun’s website and
    went wild I wanted a tail so badly but my mom said it wasn’t in her budget so for Hanukkah and My Birthday i had enough money to buy a Rio Red tail, Top and a headpiece. When I Ordered my tail in March 2015 I thought it was the happiest day in my life. Once I got my tail i started a trend in my school 3 other girls got tails and they love them.
    I still have my tail and want other tails. I love mermaids and Fin Fun
    ~Mermaid Maya

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:34 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  12. Aug 3, 2015 at 10:10 am
    Hayden says:

    I have always wanted to be a mermaid when I was little, and I wasn’t one until about last year. I am a mermaid because, I love the ocean/pool, I have a tail, and I care very much about our and the oceans environment. When I first became a mermaid I was so excited because three of my friends and I were now mermaids, and we made a friendship group called the Four Fin Squad. We always go swimming together, at the pool or the beach. Being a mermaid to me is having fun and being happy.

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:26 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  13. Aug 3, 2015 at 9:36 am
    Mermaid Mariah says:

    This is the story of how I transformed into a mermaid. My two crazy brothers put a clear potion into my water and I drank it without knowing. The next time that I got into my pool to swim my legs started tingling. I watched as a beautiful green and blue shimmering tail appeared in the place of my legs. The potion that they gave me had turned me into a mermaid. I have never been so happy, now I can transform into a mermaid whenever I want! I am the luckiest girl alive!


    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:21 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  14. Aug 3, 2015 at 8:48 am
    Mermaid Niele (Anna) says:

    YsI am a mermaid because I believe, this is what I think mermaids would be, in being optimistic, kind, and helpful. Plus, I LOVE the water! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamt of flying. Swimming is my way of flying. There is nothing like that moment of peace right after you dive into he water. All the problems, small things at the baxk of you mind, just fade away and I can relax. To me, mermaids are spme of the most relaxed creatures, and remembering that I am one helps me relax, too. I don’t have a tail, so the first time I became a mermaid would have to be the first time I tried the dolphin kick. I looked pretty silly at first, but after a bit it was like I had done this all my life! It was the most amazing expierience imagining I was a mermaid!

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:13 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  15. Aug 3, 2015 at 7:55 am
    Madeline says:

    I have always dreamed of being a mermaid. When I was young, I would grow my hair long all winter to feel it long and flowing in the swimming pool during the summer. One morning I woke up to find the blankets in my bed tucked around my legs and flared out at the end like a tail. My excitement quickly faded when I found that my legs were still legs. My first time actually transforming into a mermaid was last summer. I work for a small company that makes little girls’ dreams come true with special princess visits and, new to this summer, mermaid visits! It was just as magical for me as it was for the little girls to be adorned with shells, sparkles, and a FinFun tail to top it off. Other than playing a mermaid for work, I believe I am a mermaid because I was born in the middle of the summer heat, my favorite summer pastime is swimming, and I collect shells from my visits to the beach every year!

    My mermaid picture:

    1. Aug 3, 2015 at 10:24 am
      Mermaid Kailey says:

      Hi fin fun my name is Kailey and this is my story!

      When I was nine years old my mom finally ordered my first mermaid tail in passion pink. Monofins weren’t even out. Every day after we ordered my mermaid tail I would always be awaiting. I would always say to myself in school maybe it will come today! Maybe it will come today! Finally in June it finally arrived! I can home with the same idea has it come yet! Then when I went to put my school bag down I say on my chair a package. My face immediately blew up in excitement I screamed my mermaid tail came!!!!! I was a screaming in my head finally I have a mermaid tail I always wanted to be a mermaid every since I heard of mermaids when I was little!!!! I tore open the package smiling my head off!!!!! It was beautiful sparkling pink in the sun light. I bolted to my room to put it on. I smiled in awe as my mermaid tail glittered I was finally a mermaid!! ??????.
      I called in my mom to see me in my first mermaid tail. I screamed to my mom I’M FINALLY A REAL MERMAID!!!!!!!! Then I went to go to my tub right away. I flicked my tail back and forth as in shimmerd in the water my mermaid transformation was finally complete!!!! I swam for hours in my bath tub. When I got out I said to myself I’m finally a real mermaid!!!!

      That was my story. If Finfun thanks for the tail. Even now that I’m 12 I still swim in that tail. I purchased a mermaiden tail in February and I love it. Bye fun fun you made my dreams come true. I have a access code it you need it.

      1. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:33 pm
        Kelsee says:

        Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

    2. Aug 3, 2015 at 12:06 pm
      Kelsee says:

      Thank you for your submission. In order for this entry to be submitted for a prize today, please go to and select the Monday activity, then simply add your story and picture. If you have any further questions, feel free to email

  16. Aug 3, 2015 at 6:45 am
    Ash says:

    i went to the beach one day with my friend and her mom. There was something a little weird about the day but to me, it didnt matter. Before i ate my lunch i wanted to have time to go in the water, so when we got settled on the beach, i put on my sunsreen and jumped right in the water. My friend and me were having so much fun we didnt even care that the water was cold. So, a while latter we found something that looked like a old bottle with glittery purple water in it. I smelled alot like oranges and i realy wanted to try it, so we did. Then wevalmost drowed. It felt like our legs had been glued together and covered with concreate. It was terrifying. So, we tryed to swim, and we noticed, WE WERE MERMAIDS!!!! My friend had a beautiful red and orange tail, and i had a gorgeous green and blue tail. So till’ this day, i still have my tail. Whenever i go in the saltwater at the beach, i turn into a mermaid. And its all thanks to that purple sparkly orange soda. (The End?)

  17. Aug 3, 2015 at 6:05 am
    Kelly says:

    I decided to become a fin-fun mermaid because it has always been a dream of mine to be a mermaid. I remember watching mermaid movies growing up, for example, “The Little Mermaid,” “Splash,” and various other mermaid movies and dreaming about being a mermaid. Fin-fun gave me the chance to fulfill my dreams of becoming a real life mermaid. When I received my mermaid tail in the mail, I was so exited! I couldn’t believe that I was about to become a real mermaid! I immediately got in the pool after receiving my tail because I just couldn’t wait to swim with it. When I first put it on, it felt weird, but I couldn’t stop smiling because of how it made me look. It took me a short amount of time to learn how to swim with it, because it seemed to make swimming easier for me. I swim with my mermaid tail on mostly every day. I love how the tail transforms me into such a majestic, beautiful mermaid and brings my dreams to life.

  18. Aug 2, 2015 at 8:37 pm
    Rormaid says:

    I scampered down the steps one foot, after the other until I reached the bottom
    “I hope I get the mermaid tail I’ve been hoping for.” I thought as I sat on the couch in the living room.
    Present, after present I waited. Until finally my grandma handed me a box that was large and square but flat. I opened it thinking “This is it, this is my mermaid tail.” I ripped open the packaging then ripped apart the tape on it I saw my monofin so big it was beautiful. Then I saw the drawstring bag with my tail in it. I could see the beautiful purple magenta color shining in the morning sunshine. I pull open the bag and pulled out the soft fabric I immediately put it on. It was beautiful so shiny with so much depth in each scale I LOVED it. Later that day I put it on for my 3 year old cousin he though I was a real mermaid. It made me feel so good. That evening I put it on again. A smile spread across my face as I thought of all the fun I would have swimming in the summer.

  19. Aug 2, 2015 at 5:39 pm
    Jodie says:

    Hi my name is Jodie and I am really excited that finfun mermaids are doing a huge give away. The first task was to write about our mermaid transformation, the thing is though i havent had a transformation that is way i want to enter. When i was younger i watch a TV show about mermaids after a while it finished and then i grew up a bit. You could say i missed my childhood a bit and i found it again and i watched it. Because I watched it i was on the wrong side of bullying. I thought that i was going through hell it was that bad, by the end i sufferded from depression it affected my school life and i was in a bad place but nothing stoped me from dreaming so in this entry i am going to have a dream about a transformation.
    My transformation, it was incredible at first i was scared and then confused and kind of excited. It was just the change its hard to explain first i was in my human form and for a second i was water the next thing i knew i had a tail. After i worked out what had happened to me i couldnt wait to use my tail. I swam for hours at a time with out coming up for air it was incredible. After my swim i was astounded by what i relised i could do i could move water and i could freeze it instantly, there are literally no words yet thousands to do like that show said ‘So much to do in shuch so little time’ thats what it was for me. Thank for reading my story i hope i am in with a chance of winning.

  20. Aug 1, 2015 at 10:08 pm
    ariah says:

    i cant wait for the event cause my bday is august 13 and i really wanna win the party! i cant get it out of my mind 🙂

  21. Aug 1, 2015 at 1:50 pm
    Olivia says:

    Hi I would like to enter to get a mermaid tail i really like the rio red and it would be amazing to get one size 10 i follow u guys on Instagram I hope I get one ??

    1. Aug 1, 2015 at 1:52 pm
      Olivia says:

      And I love being a mermaid my best friend is Sofia and she show this to me I am so happy I got to see this website ? I love rio red

  22. Jul 31, 2015 at 10:37 pm
    Adrielys says:

    I always wanted to become a real life mermaid thanks to you my dearm came ture. When I saw the movie little mermaid Ariel inspired me so I always wanted to become a real life mermaid when I got my mermaid tail I was so excited all I wanted to do was just jump in with my mermaid tail and swim all day. I always feel free to swim in it and feel magical when I wear my tail FIN FUN THANK YOU, YOU ARE RIGHT EVERYONE DESERVES TO DEARM!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Jul 31, 2015 at 1:16 pm
    Abby says:

    I’m a mermaid because when I was littler I always thought mermaids were fascinating. They were magestical, and mythical to many other people/kids. To me they were free. They could do what they pleased. With their tails they had they could be free creatures through out the ocean. How it felt to be a mermaid in a FinFun Mermaid tail was fantastic! I felt like I was young again! Swimming in the pool of course was hard at first, but I got the hang of it quickly! I felt like I was free and it was amazingly easy after swimming for at least an hour! I love the FinFun mermaid tails so much! They are creative, amazing, and wonderful for girls to live up to their imaginations like me!

  24. Jul 30, 2015 at 10:47 pm
    Amber says:

    (story of how it felt by my daughter, Jacie)

    How it felt to become a mermaid, To become a mermaid in a fin fun tail feels like your a REAL mermaid! Right when I thought of asking for it for my birthday I knew it would be fun because my friends have them and told me about them. When I saw the package a few weeks before my birthday I automatically knew what it was because I could see blue inside the box. A few days after I was going swimming with one of my friends and asked my mom if I could open it. Sadly she said I had to wait until my birthday. I was so excited!! On the morning of my birthday i put my tail on and asked my mom if I could go swimming after breakfast, She said yes! I went swimming and it felt so cool to have a Fin Fun mermaid tail! How it felt to become a mermaid was a wonderful feeling! I could swim so fast! Thank you Fin Fun!

  25. Jul 30, 2015 at 3:46 pm
    Lilli says:

    How it felt, a mermaid story. I was walking in the woods, I found a potion, I drank it I felt a little tingle, then the next thing I knew, I passed out and when I woke up I was in the ocean I looked down, and I had a tail! I passed out again, I woke up, and i was in my bed, I said ” late for school again!” I hope it was a dream!